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Release time: 2024-04-16 11:06    Reading times:m88 review    Selecting font size:T|T

4month 15,The Management and Protection Center of Xinglongshan Reserve held a party committee (enlarged) meeting,Drives the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the education and education of party discipline、The spirit of the meeting of the leading group of the Central Party,"Notice of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Carrying out Party Disciplinary Studies and Education in the whole party" and "Gansu Province to Carry out Party Discipline Learning and Education Work Plan",Research and Arrangement of Party Discipline Studies and Education Work and Education of Party Discipline and Protection Center。Secretary of the Party Committee of Management and Protection Center、Director Lin Hongdong m88 reviewpresided over the meeting and spoke。Member of the Leading Team of the Center、All units、The person in charge of each department attended the meeting。


Meeting to point out,Carry out party discipline learning and education,It is a major deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,is to strengthen the party's discipline construction、Important measures to promote the strict and strict development of the party。General Secretary Xi Jinping made important speeches on party discipline and education many times、Make important instructions,It provides an important follow for the development of party discipline learning and education。Central party members and cadres must effectively improve their political standing,Deeply understand the significance of carrying out party discipline learning and education,firmly support the "two establishment"、Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",Effectively unify the thinking and actions to the requirements of the Party Central Committee on the requirements of party discipline and education deployment。

Conference emphasized,To accurately grasp the goal requirements of party discipline and education,Integrate party discipline learning and education into daily life、Grab in frequent,Promoting Discipline Disciplinary Study and Education Deep Those。Study "Regulations" carefully,Clarify what the party’s discipline is,What can I do to understand、What can't I do,Print the discipline of the follow -up rules in the heart,Internalized to m88 reviewdaily and unknown words and deeds,Further strengthen discipline consciousness、Strengthen self -constraint、Improve immunity,Enhanced political determination、Disciplinary Defining、Morality、Resisting the decision,Always be loyal and clean,Through party discipline learning education,Promote the strict and strict governance of the party extend to the grassroots、Develop in depth,Let party members and cadres know awe、Starting fear、Keep the bottom line,Create a political ecology that is clear and clear。

Meeting requirements,To strengthen organizational leadership,Combined with the actual center。Combined with the actual center,Establishing a party disciplinary learning and education leadership group,Development of party discipline learning and education work plans,Members of the Party Committee of the Central Party Committee and the secretary of the party branches must play the role of "head geese",Effective as a good example、Do a good job。Ensure that party discipline learning and education goes deep in the center。To learn and implement the "Regulations on the Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China", work hard to achieve results,Through special counseling、Exchange Research、Warning education and other forms,Guide party members and cadres to be afraid、There is a precepts、Stop there is,Improve the ideological and political quality of all party members and cadres。To grasp the target requirements,Highlighting work focus。Adhere to the original study、Learn by chapter by seal,Promoting the newly revised "Regulations on the Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China" enters the mind,m88 online bettingAchievement、Zhiji、Mingji、Shouji。Deepen various forms of warning education,Talking about discipline party lessons,Open a good annual democratic life meeting and organizational life meeting,Let party members and cadres be awakened、Ming bottom line、Knowing Awe。To hold a reading class,Deepen the understanding and application of party discipline regulations,Guide party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs,Enhance the "Four Consciousness",Do "two maintenance"。To compact the responsibility,Improve learning effectiveness。Central Party Committee、Discipline Inspection Commission should strengthen supervision and guidance,High -standard High -quality Promotion Center Party Discipline Learning Education。Strengthening publicity guidance,Educate the people around you based on things around,Persist in truth -seeking and pragmatic style,Power ring formalism,Make sure that party discipline learning and education are not vain、Do not walk the scene。Persist in grabbing two hands to promote,Combining the important ideas of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the construction of the party with the important exposition of the party building of the party's construction,Performing General Secretary Jinping Jinping's important instructions to Gansu important instructions,Complete the key tasks of the central party building in close combination,Realize learning, education and daily work mutual promotion、complement each other,The actual results of party discipline learning m88 live casino gamesand education continuously promote the high -quality development of the party's construction of the party's party。To persist in problem orientation,Focus on solving outstanding problems。Party organizations at all levels must firmly take the main responsibility,Carry out the results of party discipline learning and education and consolidate theme education results,In -depth promotion of the "three grasping and three promotion" actions is closely combined,Effectively carrying political responsibility、Grasp the implementation。At the same time, the feedback of the party group of the provincial forest and grass bureau,To learn while learning、Rectification of the side,Use the rectification process as the process of understanding and improve。Convert the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education into party members and cadres to overcome difficulties、Powerful motivation to perform their duties,New results with party discipline learning and education and inspections,Promote the high -quality development of the central business work。

Supply: Information Publicity Division Review: Pei Yingtai Editor: Zhang Jian

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