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3Month 20th,Xinglongshan Reserve Management and Protection Center Party Committee Theoretical m88 live casino gamesLearning Center Group held a collective learning and exchange seminar,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Center、Director Lin Hongdong presided over the meeting,Member of the Leading Team of the Center、The person in charge of each department of the agency attended the meeting。

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The conference organized the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important instructions and speeches、The spirit of the "Two Sessions" meeting in the country、Regulations on the Work of Party History Study and Education、The "Regulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China" issued a revised main point, etc.,The notice of the Provincial Forest and Cao Bureau "Notice on the" Three Grabs and Three Promotion "Actions"、The spirit of the three -year action mobilization deployment meeting of the province's safety production cure、Forest Grassland Fireproof Work m88 reviewTelevision Television Television Television。

Meeting,Five members of the theoretical center of the Party Committee Theoretical Center set up "Newly revised the Regulations of the Communist Party of China",Actual exchanges in conference in combination with work,Other comrades submitted written communication materials。

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Conference emphasized,Party organizations at all levels of the center shall continue to strictly implement the eight regulations of the Central Committee and its implementation rules,Various tasks of promoting the "Three Grabs and Three Promotion" operations,Deep understanding of the long -term nature of style construction、complexity、Stubborn,Members of the theoretical center group of the Party Committee must lead by example、First 垂 范,Combined with their respective work responsibilities,Self -examination and self -correction of the m88 reviewnewly revised "Regulations on the Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China",Strict work discipline,Strengthen responsibility,Promoting the normalization of work style construction。

Meeting requirements,Questions pointed out at the feedback meeting of the party group inspection team of the Provincial Bureau,Each department of the center should attach great importance to,Treat seriously,Determine the responsibility and responsibility of the implementation plan according to the rectification and implementation plan,According to the rectification time limit requirements,Careful grasp of rectification and implementation,Resolutely overcome the end of the inspection,The idea of ​​working to the station,Strengthen the communication and contact with the inspection leadership group,Report work progress in time,Continue to strengthen m88 live casino gamesthe sense of urgency and responsibility of doing a good job of rectification work,Effectively transform ideological weapons into firm ideals and beliefs、Strengthen the actual results of party spirit exercise,Convert the results of rectification into a good job、The vivid practice of promoting the high -quality development of the protected area。

Supply: Information Publicity Division Review: Pei Yingtai Editor: Zhang Jian

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